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Homeschooling with crazy little humans.....that I created. :-)

If I have learned anything about the baby of the family- it is that they aren't going to be left behind. I often get asked from other homeschool families- "How do I teach the older ones when I have my two year old running around like a crazy little human?!"

First, it's important to know that most of the time the answer is not a one size fits all. Especially when it comes to boys and girls. Most little girls can sit and focus on a project for a sustained amount of time- where boys just want to be on the move! I know it's easier to put them in front of an ipad, but I do believe there are other solutions that are more beneficial in the long term. (We'll talk screen time another day!) I'll share with you some ideas to help with both!

What has worked best for us is to have 4-5 things for Reagan (our three year old) to work on- these are ONLY hers (making it special and exclusive to her- since the older kid's curriculum is special and exclusive to them) and (and I believe this is KEY) they can only be used during homeschool time. When we are done homeschooling, we put them away in their box for then next day.

I really love giving Reagan her choice. I'm a huge believer that kids will support that which they help create. So rather than tell her, "Reagan, today is Tuesday so you will look at picture books!"- I show her her box and say, "Reagan, what would you like to do for school today?"

This box doesn't replace or substitute her curriculum- we use "A Year of Playing Skillfully" by the Homegrown Preschooler. And I cannot stress enough- she is THREE. So this is VERY VERY loose. I 100% believe that at this age- children learn through play and curiosity.

I tend to change up our box every 3-6 months just to add variety. You don't always have to buy brand new things! Sometimes I find stuff from the thrift store, other times I dye macaroni noodles and give her string to string necklaces!

Let's take a look in our current "Reagan Box", shall we? (I'll include the links for you as well!)

  1. Magnetic Faces ($12.95, Amazon) - I love this box so much and Reagan does too! Magnet lips, ears, hair, hats, beards, etc. are all organized in a box. There are "cue" cards that have you match a look. Really great for motor skills and memory.

  2. Crafts from Oriental Trading (varies) - We love Oriental Trading crafts! We don't love that you have to buy them in packs of 12! So every year we host a craft co-op and 12 families each get 12 crafts for a co-op price! We'll have one up on the website soon, so watch for it! The one she is working on is a Noah's Ark sticker scene.

  3. Library Books- I hand her a cup of goldfish, wrap her in her favorite blanket and let her look at books from her library stack of books she picked out at the library.

  4. Tangrams ($14.95, Amazon) - In my opinion, this is a homeschool staple! We love Tangrams! When she get bored with her mats I can always find new ones online to print for her. This is also really good for fine motor skills!

  5. A Whiteboard and Dry Erase Markers ($17, Amazon) - I prefer a little bit of a larger board, just because it buys me more time! I write capital letters, numbers, and shapes- and she copies them below!

  6. Dry Erase Tracing Boards from Chipped Creations- You can get them in our store! We have one with her first and last name, numbers, letters, and shapes!

Here is a brain dump of other things and a Pinterest Board I have used in the past with all of the kids to buy me some time to work with the others!

Don't be discouraged! Sometimes all it takes is a little inspiration and creativity! As the weather gets nicer, we move school outdoors and there is so much more flexibility! Mud kitchens, garden tea parties, etc.


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